Rainy City Photo Blog
Welcome to the rainycity photo blog. The home of someone who enjoys taking pictures. There’s no incredible theme here, no promises of remarkable insights, no pages with words of wisdom it’s pretty much pictures of people, places and things that I like. Use the menu at the top or on the right to navigate around the site, or use the drop down menu if viewing on a mobile ‘phone. Go to the latest posts by clicking here.
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What’s in a name. It’s as simple as being inspired by my home town of Manchester typically being fabled as the UK’s Rainy City, although as most Mancunians will know, it isnt really the wettest city in the UK. In fact it doesn’t even really come close.
In the 35 years to 2015 Met’ Office figures showed Manchester was actually 15th in a league table of the wettest towns and cities in the country, and oddly enough and despite Manchester’s reputation, Cardiff was the wettest with an average 1,152mm of rain every year!
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