Jay – picture post from Scotland

Jay – picture post from Scotland

I posted previously about a recent trip to Scotland when we spent time in St Catherines in Argyll and Bute on the Cowal peninsular.

We stayed in a quiet and fairly isolated cottage, nestled in an area of protected forest and close to the shore of Loch Fyne.

This jay picture post from Scotland follows three earlier posts from that trip and that you can read at these links: Visit Scotland – Argyle and Bute ,the red squirrel picture post and the woodpecker picture post

One of my favourite birds

The jay really is one of my favourite birds and we only really get to see them occasionally where we live – there is an earlier post here with some jay pictures.

Jays are  actually members of the crow family and although they are quite colourful they tend not to be the easiest birds to see. They seem pretty shy and ‘skittish’ and they tend not to move too far from the cover of the trees and leaves. Given their normal shyness it was a real bonus for us to have  pair of jays making very regular visits to collect nuts from the garden outside the cottage we stayed in.

Being out of the cover of the woodland allowed us to get some reasonable photographs of this pretty bird and I have included a selection in the picture gallery below.

More information

You can check out more information about this colourful bird at the RSPB site – here.

Picture gallery

Clicking on any of the images below will open a scrollable picture gallery.


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