Red Kites edited pictures not original but …

Red Kites edited pictures not original but …

In an earlier blog post I said we had been to the Red Kite feeding station in Galloway Forest – you can see that post here. The supporting picture gallery had quite a lot of pictures of the magnificent red kites.

The pictures in the gallery below are from the same visit but have a little editing done and a selection of different skys added. The pictures of the red kites themselves are of course original and were taken by me when we visited, it’s the overall edit that now makes them look different.

Not everyones cup of tea

Of course edited pictures will never be everyones ‘cup of tea’ but I enjoyed messing about with the pictures and I like them – so if it’s not your thing thanks for looking and please scroll on by.

Picture gallery

Clicking on any of the images below will open a gallery that you can click or scroll through.

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