More early spring wandering along the River Tame
A post of few words. This blog post is another ‘picture post’ and includes a couple of sets of photographs from recent walks along the Tame Valley.
Perhaps of interest in this post are the pictures of parakeets – an increasingly common sight in the UK. There are two picture sets in this blog post and you will find a few photographs of the parakeets in Picture Set 1, but be sure to check out Picture Set 2 with a mandarin duck up in a tree … with two parakeets sharing the same branch with him!
To edit or not to edit
I should add that some of the pictures were edited using Luminar 4 software. This was done so as to provide a sky/backdrop that allows the birds to be seen.
Weather conditions made it difficult at times to avoid some of the pictures being hopelessly over exposed … or another explanation might be that I failed hopelessly at times with my camera settings. In any case the editing isn’t meant to cheat or deceive it is simply done so that the pictures can be viewed. Where an edit has been applied that has distinctively added to the original you will see a bracketed ‘L’ after the picture name in the gallery ie: Parakeet (L)
Picture Set 1
Clicking on any of the pictures will open a gallery that you can click or scroll through.
Picture set 2
Clicking on any of the pictures will open a gallery that you can click or scroll through.
Lovely pics there.