Springing into life along the Peak Forest canal

Canal life along the Peak Forest canal

I have posted pictures and words about the Peak Forest canal on many occasions, and the pictures in this blog post are from the stretch of the Peak Forest canal that is close to the basins at Bugsworth and Whaley Bridge. Our recent walk really did have a feel of things ‘springing into life’ along the canal. It was a very decent, very enjoyable and very relaxing stroll.

Wandering along this part of the canal really is one of our favourite local walks, it seems there is always something to see. You can check out a couple previous posts from last summer at the following links: August wander down the Peak Forest canal and Peak Forest Tramway Trail.

Our most recent walk down there was at the start of May and it didn’t disappoint. The picture gallery below includes pictures of new gosling chicks, a very pretty wren and also a jackdaw – which is a bird that I often think has quite a striking and sometimes elegant look about it.

You will also see I have included a number of black and white photographs – all of which seem to capture everyday life along the canal. I’m quite certain we will be back along that stretch of canal at least on a couple of occasions during the summer and I dare say that as we emerge from ‘lockdown’ we will be able to enjoy a decent pint of beer on a warm evening  at one of the Whaley Bridge hostelries – cant wait for it!

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