Autumn wanderings along the water

Autumn wanderings along the water Family events and circumstances really have thrown our regular walking pattern into disarray, we will get back to old routines but the last few months have been pretty disrupted with one thing and another. Having said that we did manage to have quite a decent walk alongside the River Tame […]

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New life – plenty of new life on the canal

New life – plenty of new life on the canal If you asked me what month or what time of year was my favourite for wandering along the towpath and checking out what’s going on – I really would struggle to pick one singe month or a particular time of year in preference over another […]

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Springing into life along the Peak Forest canal

Canal life along the Peak Forest canal I have posted pictures and words about the Peak Forest canal on many occasions, and the pictures in this blog post are from the stretch of the Peak Forest canal that is close to the basins at Bugsworth and Whaley Bridge. Our recent walk really did have a […]

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Pictures from an amble along the River Tame

Another day another walk Like almost everybody else I’ll be glad when the current lockdown restrictions are eased and we can travel a little further afield.  Although I am really looking forward to some sort of return to something that feels like normality and despite walking pretty much the same routes many many times before […]

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Winter light on the Peak Forest canal

It’s all about the light It seems to me photography is nothing else if not about the light. It also seems to me that light is the single and most fundamental ‘component’ when taking a photograph. No light and there’s no picture. The importance of light is brought home to me every day I walk […]

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Winter walks along the river Tame

Always the same and always different As much as there is to be said about walking in different places and in taking different routes, I would have to say, that one of the things I have enjoyed over the years is taking a familiar route along the river and canal on a regular basis and […]

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