Visiting Scotland – enjoying Argyle and Haste Ye Back

Visiting Scotland – enjoying Argyle and Haste Ye Back

This is the third post in a recent series of posts following a short trip to Argyle in Scotland.

You can click these links to check out Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Part 1 features the visit to the red kite feeding station in the Galloway Forest with plenty of pictures of the magnificent kites.

The weather for our trip was pretty much as expected and as per forecasts, which in turn meant we were prepared for rain, sun, showers etc and that is pretty much what we had. Our pragmatic approach of thinking there is rarely the wrong weather only the wrong clothes was indeed the right approach to take.

On the last full day of our short trip we headed back towards Inveraray (this time in an anti clockwise direction around Loch Fyne) and then onto the resort town of Oban – sometimes referred to as the ‘gateway to the isles’.

It’s certainly a place worth visiting and one that I have been to a few times, most recently (prior to this trip) back in June of this year and which I posted about over on the motorbikes blog, you can check that post out at this link.

McCaigs Tower and Pucks Glen

We had a decent wander around Oban and made our way up to the splendid McCaigs Tower that overlooks the harbour before heading back down to the town, back to our car and then heading in the direction of our holiday cottage before turning to head in the direction of Dunoon and to a wooded area knows as Pucks Glen.

On the Pucks Glen web site one description reads … follow a magical trail that winds along a Victorian walkway up the dramatic rocky gorge that is said to be home to mischievous spirits, and do you know that as you walk through the Glen it actually feels like those words could be quite true. I would go as far as to say it’s maybe one of the prettiest and genuinely enchanting woodlands walks I have ever done – so much so that we decided whist there that we absolutely must go back and spend more time there – it really is a brilliant and beautiful place.

You will find a small selection of pictures from our visits to Oban and Pucks Glen in the picture gallery below.

Haste ye back





There is a saying in Scotland ‘Haste Ye Back’,  which is used a farewell but also meaning come back or return soon – and that is exactly what we will be doing. Our next trip is to a different part of Scotland in Berwickshire in the Scottish Borders, but we are already making plans and trying to line up dates for a return to Argyle, and it really cant come soon enough.

Picture gallery

Clicking on any of the images below will open a picture gallery that you can click or scroll through. You can see edited/enhanced Red Kite pictures by clicking this link.

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