Walking the Tame Valley and Peak Forest canal – early summer picture post
The series of images in the picture gallery below are a selection that were taken on a couple of walks between the last week in May and the third week in June.
The pictures were taken alongside the river Tame in the Tame Valley (Haughton Dale) and alongside the Peak Forest canal – now that summer is here the contrast in the amount of greenery and the volume of the birdsong never ceases to amaze me. The cycle of life and the way the woodlands and valley regenerates never really ceases to make me stop and wonder at how incredible it all is. Take a look at the pictures and see what you think.
Other recent ‘picture posts’
Links to a couple of other recent picture posts are below and they are:
Canal walking on the Peak Forest canal and
Or alternatively if you fancy a change of pace from the rainy city blog use this link to head over to the motorbikes blog
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Fab picks.